Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chibi the hamster

Chibi passed away today. Or rather yesterday on the 1st.

I didn't really know how it happened but when I came home it was stiff, and not moving. I was hoping it was hibernating but its body was really stiff so I guess not.

Of course I was sad but decided to bury Chibi and move on. But I came home today after everything and instinctively moved to Chibi's cage, which is now empty.

I realized that I would no longer hear the noises it makes when it's running on the wheel late at night or gnawing on the cage bars.
I would no longer hear it scamper around when it hears the kitchen light go on.
Or carry it in my hands and see it all hyper and stuff.
I miss the noises and sounds and I miss it.

And to think the night before it passed away it was still running on the wheel and I even played with it and let it run on the piano. Why did it die so suddenly?

R.I.P Chibi. I hope you're in hamster heaven.

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