Saturday, January 1, 2011


You know what movie you shouldn't watch? TRON (And by watch I mean pay extra for weekend pricing). Unless you're into the whole, CG, good effects, shiny kinda thing. I mean it looks really cool. And it is. A 'treat for your eyeballs' as some critiques may put it. However the plot is totally lacking in oomph.

Until now (even after reading wiki's plot summary) I'm still confused about some stuff in the movie. And disappointed by the lack of character development. Like where did Tron come from, who is Alan and how does Quorra know that weird guy that keeps reminding me of Johnny Depp that betrayed them in the end and tried to negotiate but failed and then got blown up by Clu.
Hey if I didn't get it the first time, it wasn't clear enough.

I've gotta say though, the effects were really pretty, and probably would be better in 3D. And the technology such as the light cycles are kinda cool. Like how it appears from thin air when they break the stick. And it stars Olivia Wilde from House (I would watch the film just for her and I kinda did).

All in all, watch for the special effects, not for the plot, and I would put a spoiler warning in the beginning except THERE IS NO SPOILER.

On a side note, Happy New Year!
I pet a cat today that was at the playground. It meowed at me with big cat eyes AWWWWW. I want a cat like that.

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