Saturday, August 13, 2011


I bought a new stamp today :D

And it's a cat.

I love stamps <3

Friday, August 12, 2011

Assassin's Creed and other stuff

Currently obsessed with Assassin's Creed II. Or, I was obsessed with Assassin's Creed II. But I FINISHED IT BOOYA. And to think I restarted the last part so many times thinking I had to be sneaky, only to find out, that you weren't suppose to avoid that big crowd of guards, you're suppose to kill them all. Good game nevertheless.

I haven't blogged in ages (and i'm trying to blame it on Assassin's Creed) but its not cause of some game or work, although they do play a big part.
I've gotten Lazy D:
Haven't drawn Shizuka in a long time. So much for weekly updates eh?

My current reason for not updating is cause my computer was just sent for repair (curse you dead pixels!) BUT I now resolve to update more. (even though university is starting and all that). I think i just need a motivation to slack off. Its like how you always have this urge to do something when you're actually getting boring work done (i.e. school, homework, tuition, project etc.). Or even when the work isn't boring *cough cough comic cough* it does get mundane after awhile. Is there some name for this phenomenon, or is it just me?


I also kinda realise how I never really accomplish anything I start, like ballet, piano, ukulele, and various comics. Its been months (years for the first one) since I've touched any of those.

Maybe now that I have 2 hour breaks between classes I can come out with something more, either by blogging in words or drawings (that is, if I don't get swarmed with project and stress ohgod).

Or maybe I should be focusing on my studies and forget about the rest of it (except Maestria).

Oh life.